Make Time For You

You have to focus on yourself if you want to give your best self to others. I’ve had to learn this lesson the hard way, through personal experience. I thought I was being selfish if I did stuff for myself instead of focusing on my children 24/7.

When I finally decided to take time for myself, I was able to give my children my best self. I had more patience, understanding, and energy.

This isn’t a one and done thing. You have to make sure you take time for yourself and focus on yourself daily. This may just look like taking a short walk, listening to a meditation, taking a hot bath, reading a book, writing in a journal or listening to your favorite music.

I personally listen to meditations and go out into nature to get away from the noise in my head and busyness of life. Nature is such a great healer of ones energy.

At Ediway Farms, we envision a serene sanctuary where visitors can escape the hustle and bustle, immerse themselves in nature, and create cherished moments with their families. Support small businesses that make handmade items, wild fruit & wildflowers available for u-pick-it. We eagerly anticipate opening our doors to share this wonderful experience with others.

Until then, here’s your reminder to take time for you, take a walk, and breathe.


Convert A Space For Yourself