Convert A Space For Yourself

Have you ever woken up one day (in your early mid 30’s for me) and it hit you what you wanted and needed to do? Even if you have NO IDEA what you’re doing?! Well that is me. So here we are. Hot mess and all.

I decided one day I just wanted to be an Artist and I wanted to paint. I don’t know if it was due to the fact I had nothing for just me or I wanted to make something beautiful. Spending time with kids constantly, working 8-5 at a regular job, routine after routine, just gets boring and old. I wanted to spice things up and focus on me for a change. No, that isn’t selfish - it is NECESSARY. You cannot give to others if your cup is empty - remember that.

At first, I tried painting on the back porch - but with my OCD husband that did not work due to paint getting everywhere. Yikes. So I talked him into letting me have a space for myself. We ultimately decided a spot in the garage will work since I can throw paint on the wall and do whatever I like. I am very thankful for my small space. You don't need something large, just a small space. The key is to ensure you have both a physical space and dedicated time for yourself.

Thank you to the sweetest husband for building me a little paint studio in our garage 🎨 for this VERY new artist.

Remember to appreciate the journey and where it will take you, especially the unexpected ones.


Make Time For You


Once Upon a New Hairdo