When God helps you even with the little things

There’s a few things throughout my life that I usually deem worthy of speaking about. I’m a pretty quiet person except to closest friends. But I feel the intense need to share this when God has been so gracious, even something as minuscule as this may seem to some.

I know God is with me and I focus on him more now than I ever have before but throughout my life there has been only a few times in my life when the presence of God has overwhelmed me so much that I am shocked.

1. When I first got saved at a Church of God youth camp that I attended with one of my friends. Life changing and I’ll never forget the feeling. When I ever have doubts I go back to that moment that is completely unexplainable on what I felt.

2. When Corey and I first went to the church we are at now after attending many churches and both of us felt such an intense power of God that we both left changed and knew we were home

3. When the Doctors told us Edison would not live and to go home until he no longer had a heartbeat so they could do a D and C procedure to get him out. And here he is. Completely shocking the entire medical staff

4. When Corey and I wanted some land for our kids to go back to how we grew up and connect with nature but we could not afford it. At the same time unrelated, and I never told Corey until later down the road I increased my monthly financial giving at church to more than I could afford at the time because it was on my heart and I just needed to trust God more in that area. One week later Corey called me and told me he found a way for us to get the land we so love now and encourage others to use, along with our church family any time they need it

5. And today. Probably the smallest but absolutely amazing to me and Corey and God deserves every bit of it.

God put a big vision on our leaders to help the community and today me and the kids went to a 5 pm prayer walk to pray over the project. This was over the whole grounds and a whole lot of grass and walking. Me in typical mom fashion of not wanting my kids to be loud when Ben was praying was constantly trying to catch up with my kids to tell them to shoosh or holding Edison so he wouldn’t trip. Picked him up and down the whole time and had them pulling on me multiple times. Got home after the prayer walk and turned on Edison’s bath only to realize my wedding ring (engagement ring part) was missing. I knew it had fallen off somewhere around the church. Of course I started to cry but at the same time felt calm it was really strange. I ran outside to tell Corey and we jumped back in the car to find the needle in the haystack as dusk was approaching. I prayed the whole way to church asking God to please help me find it even though I know it’s just a monetary object and if we don’t I understand and I shouldn’t place such importance on an object but prayed for help over and over anyways. When we pulled up to the church I had a feeling to start where we ended by the woods in the grass. We walked up to the area and as I was scanning trying to figure out how many places I stood, I looked down and beside my shoe not even 1/2 inch away was my ring in the dirt and grass. I wish I could explain how much we walked at the prayer walk and going back to find it how thoughts of hopelessness and trying to be okay with not finding it were going through my brain at first to just walk up and immediately find this needle in a haystack. Both me and Corey were absolutely shocked even though we shouldn’t have been.

Just wanted to come here and give God all the glory.